3 Signs Your Transmission Needs Servicing

Posted on: 30 June 2015

Your transmission is a major component of your vehicle. Your vehicle needs it to run and drive properly. When something goes wrong, it can be quite disheartening. Trying to figure out what might be going on with your vehicle isn't always easy, especially for someone who isn't a professional. One noise could mean a whole host of different things where your vehicle is concerned. As soon as you notice something isn't right with your vehicle, you need to get it looked at by a professional to make sure it doesn't spiral out of control and into something major.
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Adding Tint To Your Vehicle's Windows

Posted on: 9 April 2015

Window tinting can give your vehicle the benefit of shade during warm summer days, some privacy from the outside world, and a sharp look you will be proud of. It is not very difficult to add window tint to your windows on your own. Here are some instructions to help you add window tint to your own vehicle's windows. Materials You Will Need Window tinting kit Glass cleaner Non-abrasive sponge Razor blade Utility knife Lint-free cloth Squeegee Cleaning The Windows
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